
My definition of Mindfulness

What is Mindfulness?  Well, for me and my clients Mindfulness is the ideal way to give yourself head space, time to think and time to look after your emotional well-being.  To buy food, pay the mortgage or go on holiday we need a healthy bank account. In the same way we need an emotional bank balance.  If our emotional bank account is empty then we find it difficult to deal with tough challenges - we get overwhelmed and feel out of control. What you learn from regular Mindfulness practice is that your emotional bank balance builds up - so that when you are hit with those tough challenges, you are more stable and able to deal with them.

My view of why Mindfulness is important

Why is Mindfulness important? Our busy, full lives leave us little time or space to think - no wonder we are often anxious, under stress, tired – angry even. For most clients I see it’s about the need to be in the present, to stop feeling overwhelmed and to remain in control even when the outside world is in chaos.  I share Mindfulness as an ART:

A - Awareness of what you hold

R – Realisation of what that’s doing to you

T – Transformation through techniques and practice.

What I need from my Mindfulness clients

To realise the benefits of Mindfulness I will ask you to STOP.  This is the best way to get the most from your sessions.  The aim being to start with 5 minutes of Mindfulness every day, five separate minutes a day. Yes, the 5 a day challenge – are you up for it?!

Lead Your Life Mindfulness Courses

I work individually with clients, with private groups and I also run sessions and courses in the workplace.

I really enjoyed your session.
In fact I was struck by it’s simplicity yet also the amazing effect it had on me by the end of it
— Graham Shaw Managing Director. Vision Learning and Development Ltd
I’ve learned so much about Mindfulness, freeing my mind from all the negative and pointless voices
— Zara Elliott Owner. Blush Academy
Kish Modasia radiates calm and positive energy, even down the lens of a webcam! A small group of us spent half an hour learning how to breathe mindfully and to be grateful. As a result of my mindfulness webinar with Kish, I reflect daily on the wonder of nature, the glorious birdsong and the sunshine reflecting on the river as I cycle over the bridge to work. For all this, and more, I am grateful, after all, ‘gratitude is the new attitude’. Since Kish’s webinar, I have made a few small changes, which have had a big impact. If you are looking to re-balance your inner calm, look no further than Kish Modasia and Lead Your Life!
— Kate Brookes Corporate Fundraiser. Momentum Children's Charity